Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

After my incident with the sewing machine, where I had to go to the ER in my nightgown and sweatpants at 3 in the afternoon, I have decided that I need to put a little more effort into gettting ready and dressed in the mornings. No more wearing my pajamas all day...even if I am not going out. It just makes me feel better about myself to get dressed and put a little make up on.

So last week I promised Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy that I would participate in her What I Wore Wednesday linky this week. She created the "What I wore Wednesday" linky to encourage herself to get out of her pj's in the morning, and since then hundreds of other people have linked up. I love her blog and she has the cutest things for sale in her shop. Check her out :)

 Well, with Logan having double ear infections and everything else that has been going on this week, I forgot to take pictures.. And I must confess, some days I did just stay in my pajamas. fail. But I did manage to take a picture of my first outfit of the week, and I have a picture of what I am wearing today. This was me last Thursday, when we went to the doctors office. We also went to a kids consignment sale after. 2 outfits are better than none, right?

Please Excuse the ugle outlet in the background...
Black long sleeve t- Forever 21
striped tank- Tj Maxx
Jeans- New York and Company
Boots- Steve Madden
Scarf- Ann Taylor Loft

And here's what I am wearing today...Nothing too cute but at least I wont be embarrassed if I have to make an emergency trip to the ER...

Shirtdress- Forever 21
Jeans- H&M
Belt- New York and Co.
Shoes- Gianni Bini

So there it is, my very first WIWW. Link up your own WIWW at The Pleated Poppy :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finally, some cute boy material!

I learned to sew with the intention of making cute stuff for Logan. There are so many cute things out there for girls, but not so much for boys. I really don't love the whole sports/cars/trucks/puppies outfits that are popular for boys right now. No offense if you do, it's just not my thing.

 I have been on the hunt for cute boy material for some time, but I have mostly found girly material. I love making cute little outfits for my friends baby girls, but I have not actually made much for Logan yet, which kind of defeats my whole purpose.

I fell in love with Michael Miller's designs and fabrics when I first started looking for fabric online, but there isn't a shop around here that carries it. I found a super friendly Etsy shop owner at Fancy Pants Fabric, who was willing to cut the specific yardage and prints that I wanted and bundle them all up for me. I got them in the mail Saturday....lovely Michael Miller prints, and some Amy Butler, too. I have been making super cute things for Logan all weekend, and some new stuff for the Etsy shop. I didn't forget about my little ladies, though...

New felt rosette clips and headbands are also in the shop!

Check them out, and if there is anything specific you would like me to make, let me know!
And just for my blog readers, enter the code BLOGFRIEND at checkout to receive 10% off your order. Now through Sunday :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Go Green: Reusable Shopping Bags!

In an effort to stop wasting so many plastic grocery sacks, we bought some reusable bags a long time ago, but slowly they have disappeared. We use them for toting everything, not just our groceries. Today, I bought some nice sturdy canvas ones on sale for $1.50 at my local Kroger and I intend on keeping them in my trunk for groceries only. We typically unload about 20-25 plastic bags worth of groceries every time we go shopping. Today, my groceries fit into 4 of the canvas bags. AND those 4 bags were much easier to carry out with an infant seat taking up most of my grocery cart space. I could throw a couple over my shoulder and stick one underneath the cart.

My $6 investement will help save hundreds (maybe thousands?) of plastic shopping bags. These plastic bags are made from polyethylene,which is derived from natural gas and petroleum, and can take up to 100 years to decompose. If you do choose to use the disposable bags, recycle them! Most grocery stores, including Wal-Mart and Whole Foods will recycle them for you. Just take them back to the store the next time you go. Easy Peasy.

Even better than purchasing them, you can make your own from old t-shirts or pillowcases. Find 45 different tutorials for making your own reusable shopping bags here.

There are eco-friendly alternatives for snack baggies and produce bags as well! I love this Etsy shop that makes reusable snack bags. Here is one of my faves:

Hedgehog Meadow and Polka Dot Eco Friendly Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bag Set

It's only $12 for the set! I love this shop for reusable produce bags. How cute are these pink mesh drawstring bags? $9 for a set of 6 in all different sizes.

One day, I hope to add reusable snack baggies to my Etsy shop. But in the meantime, I might have to order some of these adorable ones :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

NEW Kelly's Closet Coupon!

So by now you guys probably know that I LOVE Kelly's Closet and its the only place I buy my diapers...Well that is because they always send me coupons for FREE diapers with my purchases! I got the new Diapershops newsletter yesterday with the new one.....

FREE One-Size Diaper (guaranteed value of at least $22) with any $79 purchase! And you can use the coupon code 2x on two separate orders! If you had planned on ordering diapers or laundry detergent soon, this is a fabulous deal! I will not be partaking, however, because I have too many dipes as it is! I have to control my fluff addiction :) Just enter the code SPRINGFREE at checkout! Orders over $49 always include free shipping!

And they just got itti bitti diapers in stock, which come in adorable prints and are new to the US. I love this print, but its a little too girly for Logan...And. I. Dont. Need. Any. More. Diapers. I have to keep telling myself this when I see adorable ones such as these. Maybe I will sell some of mine so I can get some new ones in pretty prints?

Click my Kelly's Closet Linky to the left to order!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Teething and Vomit and Poo, Oh My!

I was right about the teething. I took Logan to the doctor today because he didn't sleep AT ALL last night. He screamed all night. He was only content when I was rocking him, and as soon as I put him back down he would scream. He was due for his 6 month checkup anyway, so I figured they could check him out while we were there.

The doctor said his gums are really swollen on the bottom, and a little on the top as well. He may get several teeth in at a time. He also has a double ear infection. Thats why he screamed all night. Poor fella.

The nurses at our pediatricians office just love on Logan every time we are there. They are so sweet and we love our doctors. Whenever we have to come in they always load us up with free formula samples. Today they gave us 4 small cans. Thats $40 we are going to save in formula. They are fabulous.

 Even though he has a double ear infection and they had to give him 3 shots, he was so happy the whole time we were at the doctors office, laughing and cooing. He cried for maybe 10 seconds after he got his shots, then it was back to playing.

They took a look at that rash on his back, and it is eczema. She said to just keep putting the Aveeno eczema lotion on it and if it gets really red I can use some over the counter hydrocortisone cream (1%). He is in the 90th percentile for height and 60th percentile for his weight. He is almost 18 pounds now. He is growing up so fast. I never understood why people were sad when their babies grew up, but I sure do now. Where did my tiny baby go?

They put him on Amoxicillin for the ear infections and they said it could be as long as 72 hours before he feels better. Tonight he is pulling at his ears and threw up for the first time all over the couch and he has had 2 more blowout poo diapers since yesterday. It's going to be another long night I'm afraid.. My poor baby...I hope he gets a little sleep.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Teething Time

We have had quite the week here at the Adams' house...I think Logan has starting teething, for real this time. He has been super snotty and congested. He has also been running a low grade fever (100.0-100.9). And tonight, we had our first major blowout poo-splosion. He was bouncing in his jumperoo and it got everywhere...all over him, me, the bounceroo, the changing table, and finally, the bath tub. This is the kind of thing that would have made me gag before I became a mother. I felt like I was in a movie...carrying the naked baby by the armpits into the bathroom. It was a mess.

This weekend was also rather eventful. We had a babysitter 2(!!) nights in a row. The benefits of having both sets of grandparents within 5 minutes of us. We are truly blessed. Tyler's parents were actually going to keep Logan for the night Friday night. We went to pick him up and he was sound asleep. 45 minutes later, however, he was screaming. So we had to go back and pick him up around midnight. Good thing my inlaws live across the field. Saturday my mom kept him for a while so we could go to dinner with some friends who also have a new baby. It was great to have some adult time.

On a sad note, we had to say goodbye to Tucker, my Yorkie. I have had him for longer than I have known my husband and he is such a sweet, loving dog. But with the baby, he was just too much for me to handle. I couldn't give him the attention he was used to getting and he started peeing on everything and was ruining our house. Plus, he is a barker so he would wake Logan up pretty frequently. So we had to find him a new home. Thankfully, my Aunt offerent to take him, so I will still get to visit. I think after a week she will be ready to send him home, though...he is pretty high maintenance. We will see how it goes.

Me and my boys when Logan was just a month old

Thursday, March 17, 2011

One Lucky Mama

Isn't my little man cute rockin his little green H&M polo for St. Patrick's day? They have the cutest stuff for babies. Too bad we don't have one close to Lexington. I am so lucky to get to spend each and every day with this sweet baby boy.

Today was a GREAT day...I got to spend the day with my best friend and our two adorable babies. We had lunch at Panera Bread and did a little shopping. I got Logan some much needed spring clothes and an outfit for Easter at Tj Maxx. I also got a few tops for myself.... and a new mirror for the bedroom...I cant resist a good bargain.

The kids, for the most part, cooperated with our little shopping spree...but got cranky towards the end because they had not napped. Every time Lylah would cry, Logan would cry...When she slept, he slept. My little copy cat. We think they will get married one day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Using my Beaba Babycook (with tutorial!)

Yesterday, my little sister Sydney came over and spent the day with us. She is 12. She saw my babycook and decided that she wanted to make some babyfood. I bought my babycook on craigslist, so it didn't come with any instructions so we just had to guess how to use the thing. It turned out to be pretty simple, actually. After watching a youtube video of someone making baby food, we decided to make our own how-to video, but Logan cried the whole time and you can barely hear what I am saying, so we aren't going to post that :) We ended up making carrots, bananas, and apples. Heres how you do it:

1.) Wash and peel your fruits or vegetables. Even if they are organic. You never know who has touched them.

2.) Cut the vegetable/fruit into bite size pieces and put them into the steamer basket. 
3.) Fill the container up with water to the appropriate mark. Generally, the harder the vegetable, the more water you will need. So for potatoes, you would want to fill it to the 3. But for softer fruits, such as pears, you don't need as much.

4.) Pour the water into the reservior at the top of the machine.

5.) Attach the container to the machine and insert the steamer basket. Place the lids on both the main container and the reservior at the top.

6.) Switch the front dial to the left to steam. The picture looks like a little cloud.

7.) Wait 15 minutes for the food to steam.

8.) Remove (carefully!) the steamer basket from the machine. There will be some water left in the bottom. Reserve this cooking liquid so you can add it to the pureed veggies to achieve your desired consistency.

9.) Put the veggies into the blender part of the machine. Put the lid back on and switch the dial to the other side to blend. You may have to add some of your cooking liquid to get it to the correct consistency. I had to do this with the carrots, but not the apples or bananas. Especially since Logan is just starting out on baby food, I wanted it to be very mushy and not have any chunks in it.

10.) Spoon your baby food into portioned containers labeled with the name and date you made the food OR portion the food into ice cube trays or other baby food freezer trays and freeze for up to 3 months. It is recommended to freeze the food and then put the cubes into a heavy duty freezer bag to keep them fresh.

Logan really liked the food we made. He actaully doesn't really care for the Earth's Best apples that we have been feeding him because they are very tart. I used an organic Gala apple, and he seemed to really like it. I still have about 20 jars of first foods left in the pantry, but I am going to use them for travelling.

Some good choices for baby's first foods:
Vegetables- Peas, Green Beans, Squash, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, and Zucchini
Fruits- Avocado, Apples, Bananas, Pears, Prunes, and Peaches

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Little Jumping Bean

Today was my first day back to work since Logan was born. I only work a couple of days a month, but I can already tell it is going to be hard being away from him on those days. My aunt, who helped raise me, watched him, I know he was in good hands!

I guess he missed playing in his jumperoo today because he has been happily jumping away for the past half hour. He only started actually jumping in it a couple of weeks ago. Before then, he couldn't really touch the ground and just kind of sat in it and played with the toys...But now its one of his favorite things to do.

He has developed a weird rash all over his back. It kind of looks like it may be eczema or really dry skin, but it is getting worse every day. I thought he might be having a reaction to something he is eating, but the rash is mostly on his back and not anywhere else. He has a few spots on his legs and chest, too.

I am trying to not be an overprotective first time mother and call the doctor...The first few months after he was born, I feel like I called the doctor every week or so. He had colic then he had reflux, then he wasn't sleeping, then he got bronchitus and wouldn't eat....the list goes on and on. But there has never been anything they can do for him, so I am trying not to waste the money going unless we really need to. I have always been a worrier. Im going to put some cream on it and see how it looks tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My New Dipes!

I just got my order in from Kelly's Closet! As usual, they arrived super fast! I ordered the BumGenius 4.0 Artist series that were on sale (2pk for $33) and a Happy Heiny's diaper that I am so excited to try and review! I actually ordered the artist series in the blue and red, but I guess they were out of the red so I got yellow instead. I also got some Rockin' Green in Motley Clean. I hope it takes care of my hard water problems so I can stop using the Calgon water softener.

I was a little disappointed that I did not receive my free diaper with this order. Evidently you cannot use ANY coupon with the Artist Series BumGenius because they are on sale. BumGenius is always excluded from the dollar off and percentage off coupons, but you can usually use the free diaper coupons. Bummer. I emailed them about it and they told me it had something to do with manufacturer restrictions. I assume this is only because they are on sale? I really have enough diapers (I think we have close to 30!) but I cant resist a good sale. Plus, we plan on using these diapers for babies later on, too, so it is good to have more so we can rotate them. I'll let you know what I think of the Happy Heiny's :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Hazards of Sewing...

As some of you may know, I recently learned how to use a sewing machine and I have been sewing a few baby things (Mostly bibs, burp cloths, and a little applique). I found a great new fabric store that carries all of this wonderful Michael Miller fabric, so I bought a few different prints and planned on sewing some bib sets for gifts this weekend. We had a wonderfully lazy weekend and Logan even slept in 'til 11:00 on Sunday. By 3:00, I was still in my pajamas doing a little sewing. I guess I got a little distracted, because my finger got caught in my machine and it sewed right through it....3 times...and then the needle broke off...IN MY FINGER!

So off I went to the ER, in my nightgown, to get a sewing needle taken out of my finger. So embarrassing. I did, at least, throw some pajama pants on underneath my nightgown and put my good arm through a zip up hoodie. :/ After taking X-rays to make sure it wasn't bent in there, they just pulled it out and gave me an antibiotic. Both my mother and my husband wanted to pull it out with a pair of pliers. They should have known better than that, I am such a baby.

It didn't put too big of a dent into my sewing time, though, and I did get a few new things made. Some bib sets, wipe cases, and a few sassy little checkbook covers. Check them out in my Etsy shop :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free OS Diaper at Kelly's Closet!

Just got the new coupon codes for Kelly's Closet! You can get a FREE one size diaper (Guaranteed to be at least a $17 value) with a $59 purchase!! Just use the code LUCKYDIPE at checkout. And shipping is always free over $49. I will be ordering today. I need to get some more Rockin Green (I will be buying Hard Rock this time for our hard water) and I want to try a Happy Heiny Diaper. They are supposed to be fantastic!

You can also use the code MARCHFIVE to receive $5 off a $35 order. You can use the code MARCHTEN to receive $10 off a $100 order. And you can use the code MARCH35 to receive $35 off a $250 order. This deal excludes BumGenius, however, and you cannot use the coupon codes together. Click the Kelly's Closet link to the left to place your order :)

I just placed my order and the Bumgenius 4.0 Artist Series diapers are on sale! I got two artist series diapers (Jet setter and eiffel tower) for $33! Thats a great deal! They are normally $20 each...