So my best friend, after months and months of me trying to convince her to cloth diaper, has decided she might want to give it a try! She has a little girl 3 months younger than my little man, so we were pregnant together. She wanted to know about how many diapers you would need to get started, so I told her I would compose this list for her.
To get started, I would recommend about 14-18 diapers. You will be doing laundry about every other day with this many. I have about 24 diapers and I do laundry about every 3 days. You probably wouldnt want to go longer than that or the diapers start to get stinky and can mildew. Although, I have sometimes went 4-5 days and have not had this problem
I buy all my cloth diapers at Kelly’s Closet. They always run great promotions and have excellent cusstomer service. In fact, you can find a testimonial I wrote for them on their page. I have been so impressed with their service. Thus far, I have received 5 free diapers from them and have earned a $25 gift card. You accumulate points with every purchase that you can redeem for gift certificates. Great deal, huh?? Right now they have a coupon for a free diaper (of atleast a $22 value) with any $59 purchase. And their shipping is always free with a $49 purchase. So, if you wanted to purchase a stash of diapers, you could split your order into two separate ones and earn 2 free diapers…. The coupon code is FREEDIPE and you can use it up to 2 times!
There are MANY different types of diapers to choose from. We like the bumgenius 4.0′s. They are pocket diapers that are adjustable in size, so they will fit your baby until they are potty trained. I, personally, would recommend the snap closure over the velcro, because the velcro will have to be replaced over time and it tends to stick to other things in the dryer.
Other than the actual diapers, you need a few other things…
- A regular trash can with lid (See [previous post for picture)
- A diaper pail liner (As I have metioned before, we use Wahmies brand)
- Cloth friendly detergent (See diaper jungle’s detergent chart ) We use Rockin Green
- Wool dryer balls (These are optional, but make your diapers dry faster, We use buddha bunz)
- Wet bag or 2. These are great for the diaper bag. They are little waterproof bags with a zipper, used to store wet/dirty diapers when you arent around your diaper pail. We have 2 Wahmies brand bags. A Medium one that goes in the diaper bag, and an all day bag that we keep in the nursery.
- 12-16 cloth wipes. You can buy these or make your own really easily. (Or you can purchase some from my etsy store) I also like Thirsties wipes. My husband wanted to stick to the disposable wipes for the longest time, but if you cloth diaper and use disposable wipes, you not only have to have a diaper pail by your changing table, but a trash can as well. And you end up washing a few and having to pick them off of your diapers. Much easier to just use cloth. All you do is wet them with a spray bottle of water or wipe solution (more on this later)
- A spray bottle for your wipe solution
- Wipe solution drops …Used to make your own wipe solution, not neccessary but helpful. We like Baby Bum drops. But you can also use plain water or make your own solution with essential oils. I will post some recipes for this later.
- A travel wipe case (You can get these for like $2 at walmart. or you can purchase a covered one from me in my Etsy shop) This is used to carry pre moistened wipes for on the go.
- A cloth diaper friendly diaper rash cream. Although babies who are cloth diapered dont usually get diaper rash, sometimes they will get a little chaffing. And you absolutely cannot use desitin or any other zinc based rash cream with cloth diapers. They will cause your diapers to repel. We like Grandma Els (which you can get at Babies R us) and Cj’s butter.

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