Tuesday, June 28, 2011

9 Month Check Up: Conjunctivitus and Logan's First Tooth!

We had Logan's 9 month well visit today. He has had a blocked tear duct since he was born, but this past week it has been particularly bad. His left eye has been stuck shut every morning and his lid is red and swollen. Turns out, he has Conjunctivitus (Kind of the same thing as pink eye, but not contagious). The doctor is also concerned that his tear duct has not opened up by now, so she wants us to see a specialist to talk about surgery! We couldn't get in to the Opthamologist until October, so hopefully it will heal up by then. 

As the doctor was checking his mouth, she spied his first tooth coming through. It must have come through during the night because I didn't notice it yesterday. His bottom left. We all thought he would cut his top teeth first, even the doctor. And he is almost 20 pounds! He is growing up so fast! 

We took Logan on his first boating adventure at the lake this weekend..He loved it! We will be going to the beach in the next month or so and I am looking forward to letting him splash in the ocean for the first time. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Daddy's Boy

Yesterday was Tyler's first fathers day. I am so proud of the Father and Husband he has become this past 9 months. He truly loves Logan with all of his heart and it shows in every interaction he has with him. I couldn't ask for a better Father for my child. And Logan loves him so much. He has turned into such a Daddy's boy. He cries when Tyler leaves the room and lights up when he comes in from work. It is so sweet.

Yesterday at church we had a guest speaker- One of my favorite authors, Donald Miller. He has wrote several best selling books including Blue Like Jazz and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. I was so stoked to meet him and have him sign my book. Blue Like Jazz is one of my all time favorite books. I have like 5 copies and I give them to everyone as gifts. If you haven't read it, you should! I am currently reading A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. Check out his website here.

Friday, June 17, 2011

We have a Crawler

We have had some technical difficulties around here, so I haven't been able to blog lately. During a storm last week, lightning came through the electrical lines and fried our computer and router. So not only did we not have our desktop, but we couldn't use the wireless either. We got it fixed, though AND I finally got my laptop fixed after about a year of it being broken...So hopefully I will be able to blog much more frequently. I just hope all of my pictures were not lost in the process. Thank goodness I have the hospital pics backed up and a lot of the others on my facebook.

Logan has finally started crawling on Sunday! He is still doing the army crawl thing, but he can pretty much get wherever he wants now. He has also learned how to sit up by himself. I went to get him up the other morning and he was just sitting in his crib playing. He is growing up so fast. In just a few short weeks he will be 9 months old. I could almost have another one by now...I would be crazy...but it is possible. We really want to wait probably at least another year or so before we start trying again. Logan is keeping me on my toes as it is.

People keep asking me if he is talking yet...He makes noises constantly, but no real words. My husband told me the other night that he was going to say "dada" first ....Logan looked at him right after he said it and said "dadadada"... Coincidence I am sure :) He is such a Daddy's boy. When Tyler comes in during the day he smiles and reaches for him. He cries when he leaves the room. They say boys normally love their Mama's more, but I don't know about it...

On the business front..I have started making earrings! I want to expand beyond baby things and make other gifts as well. Here is my favorite pair, made from Michael Miller's Birds of Norway material. Adorable and one of a kind.

You can purchase a pair in my Etsy shop for just $6!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June Kelly's Closet Coupon Codes

Right now, Kelly's Closet is offering a FREE one size diaper with $79 purchase..Guaranteed value of at least $23, which could mean a free Rumparooz, Tots Bots or Kissaluvs. I have a couple Rumparooz and they are fantastic! I'm all stocked up right now, or I would definitely be placing an order. Just enter the code HONEYSUCKLE at checkout. Limit 1 code per order and 2 per customer.

They also have some $ off coupons running right now as well.

$6 off a $36 purchase... Enter the code JUNE6

$12 off a $112 purchase... Enter the code JUNE12

or $36 off a $236 purchase....Enter the code JUNE36

These coupons can expire any time, so get them while they last!! Click my Kelly's Closet link to the left to let them know I sent ya :)

The past 3 weeks....

I can't belive it has been 3 weeks since I have posted...I am such a slacker. In my defense, though, we have been crazy busy.

Logan is finally over his ear infections and virus. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will stay well for a while. It seems like we are in the doctors office every month for something or the other. His teeth seem to be bothering him today. He has a runny nose and is super fussy. Teething is the worst.

He is growing up so fast. He wants to crawl so bad he cant stand it. He can get up on his hands and knees, but just doesn't know what to do after that. But he can pivot and roll all the way across the room. Over these past few weeks he has also learned to hold his own bottle, drink from a sippy cup, and has started eating meats. I really can't believe it.

This week we have really been working on our landscaping and garden. I have a little vegetable garden on the side of the house. Before last summer, I had never grown a thing in my life. I guess it was part of my nesting kicking in, but I really wanted to grow one. So i had my brother in law till me a little patch of land and I planted some things. We didn't really eat much from it last year, but I have high hopes for a better garden this year. I now know what we will actually eat and what we will not. I also hope to use it to make some of Logan's food. We shall see. This year, I planted onions, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, green and red peppers, sugar snap peas, lettuce, spinach and cucumbers. We also planted a little herb garden right outside of our bedroom window. I will post pictures in a few weeks when things are actually starting to grow.

I am also oh-so-excited to announce that my best friend, Amanda, has finally started cloth diapering!! And she loves it! I have a couple other people that I am trying to convince as well...I really feel like if people knew how easy it was and realized how much money they could save, everyone would cloth diaper. If you have questions about it, feel free to email me. I love to talk about it :) Here is sweet Lylah Anne  in her new BumGenius Artist series cloth diapers:

Isn't she adorable?