A few days back, I heard about a cloth diaper photo contest at
Nurture Baby Naturally's facebook page. I have entered tons of giveaways since I started cloth diapering (It's kind of addicting, right?) But I have never won. But since this was a photo contest I decided to enter. The picture with the most likes would win a free one size diaper from
Granola Babies. Here is the photo we entered from a couple of months ago:
Fast forward 4 days and I am exhausted from the whole process. I enlisted all of my facebook friends to vote for my little guy and we were winning for the first couple of days. But then, a couple people posted pictures of some really stinkin cute babies and it was neck and neck for a while. Then we started losing so I had to hound my friends for votes. I know. All for 1 cloth diaper? I am pretty competitive, though, and cloth ain't cheap :)
I stayed up til midnight making sure we were in the lead, (we trailed back to 2nd at some points) and at midnight we were winning. Then I realized that Granola Babies is loccated on the West coast, 3 hours behind us. Well me and the husband have had a nasty stomach flu all weekend, so I couldnt make it much past midnight. I just gave one last plea for votes on my facebook page and went to bed. My facebook friends think I am insane and I have probably been defriended by some during the process.
This morning, we were announced as the winner (yay!) but then one lady's picture wasn't showing up on the wall, so then they didn't know who really won. They are actually going to send us BOTH free diapers! SO nice of them....I don't know what the details of the prize are yet, but I am hoping to get to try a new brand!
I had not heard of Granola Babies until I saw the photo contes. But after checking out their website, they actually have some really great deals and shipping is always free! I don't know of any other websites that do this. They also rent
cloth diaper packages that include 8 different brands of the most popular diapers for $25. You get to keep them for 2 weeks and then ship them back. This is great if you are new to CD'ing and want to try out a few different brands. Next time I run out of my
Rockin Green, I will definitely be ordering from Granola Babies!